About Turbo Ghana


Turbo Ghana is a micro charity whose aims are:

  • To relieve financial hardship in Ghana.

  • To improve health, in particular but not exclusively by providing safe and clean water.

  • To promote education, including but not exclusively by providing school materials, including laptops and phones.

Currently we are focussed on several communities in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The communities are remote, and most of the community members farm crops for their own needs (and, if they have a surplus, they sell it at the market).

Donations, salaries, administration costs

From 2018 to 31 March 2024, every penny of money received from non-trustee donors (including any Gift Aid element) was spent directly on projects. That’s because all admin expenses (including flights and accommodation for monitoring, fundraising costs, government registration, banking, and website) were covered by donations from the trustees. Now that we are growing, this is harder to achieve. But we guarantee that for the year 2024/25, admin expenses will not exceed £5K or 7.5% of donations, whichever limit is smaller.


Turbo Ghana is registered with the UK Charity Commission, and with HMRC for the purposes of Gift Aid.

Turbo Ghana trustees

Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan is Professor of Computer Science at University of Birmingham. Before setting up Turbo Ghana, he worked with another charity in Ghana doing similar work. He visits Ghana once or twice a year to take first-hand responsibility for the work we do.
Michele Foot
Michele Foot has worked in administration in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College, London, since 2004. She was a trustee of E17 Puppet Project from 2013 to 2024. Michele is interested in helping people achieve their goals and she has a Life Coaching Diploma.
Natasha Ryan
Natasha Ryan is advocating for women’s rights and representation of women in leadership positions at the Women’s Foundation in Hong Kong. Previously, she was with UNICEF in Zimbabwe, partnering with government partners and NGOs to deliver access to justice for children. During her time there, she raised funds for Let’s Give Them Hope in Zimbabwe. She started her social justice work in 2006 with a women’s shelter and girls’ organisation in Sweden.

TG Ghana LBG

We are also registered as a separate legal entity in Ghana, called “TG Ghana LBG”. The board members of TG Ghana LBG are: Mark Ryan, Michele Foot, Kwasi Alare, and Isaac Acheampong.

Kwasi Alare
Kwasi Alare was the Assembly representative of Aframano and its surrounding settlements from 2011 to 2023. He was first elected by his community at the age of 23, and he was re-elected a further three times since then. He is very well respected and liked by his community, and on behalf of that community he works tirelessly with Turbo Ghana. Kwasi is training to become an accountant.
Isaac Acheampong
Isaac Acheampong has recently graduated from Ghana Muslim Mission school in Beposo. He wants to travel, and plans to apply to join the army in Ghana. He has supported Turbo Ghana by hosting visitors and introducing service providers. He has also taken many of the photographs on Turbo Ghana’s website.

PAD trusteeship

Turbo Ghana is participating as trustee in a computer science research project about data privacy and transparency.

This website

This website is built using Hugo, with a lot of custom-made Go templating and CSS wrangling by our trustees ☻. The website doesn’t serve cookies, so we don’t need to annoy you with cookie warnings. The website doesn’t load any fonts, scripts, styles or anything else from any external website, so your viewing is not being tracked in any way.


Turbo Ghana is based in London and Birmingham, UK. You can send a message to info at turboghana.org.