Donate here!

Can I choose which project my donation goes to?

You can certainly express a preference, and we will try to meet it. Please email info at We can’t guarantee to meet your preference because projects can change, but at any time you can ask us the status of the projects you contributed to (or just check the regular updates on our project pages).

Can I send Turbo Ghana a message?

Yes, email to info at

Donating by bank card through CAF online

You can donate by bank card, by clicking on the big orange donate button above.

Gift Aid If you are a UK tax payer, both Turbo Ghana and you can benefit from “Gift Aid”, a tax incentive for donating to charity. We can claim 25% of your donation to recoup some of the tax you paid. Please tick the Gift Aid box on the CAF Donate page. You can also declare the donation on your HMRC self-assessment and recoup the remainder of the tax you paid.

Donating through our bank account

If you prefer, you can donate directly to our bank account. Please email us to ask us for our sort code and account number, at: info at

Gift Aid To enable us to reclaim our part of the Gift Aid if you donate by bank transfer, please complete this form and send it to us. You can print, sign, and scan it and send it by email to info at You can also declare the donation on your HMRC self-assessment and recoup the remainder of the tax you paid.