Rebuilding back better the latrines in Aframano

Rationale and planning

This year has had very heavy rain, and for a much longer season than usual (climate change). Some of the latrines in Aframano have been destroyed. We discussed this with Nicholas, the Ashanti Development officer, as he had originally managed their construction. His suggestion is that the method of using mud bricks (provided by community members) isn’t good enough any more, given the climate conditions. He suggested latrines should now be built using concrete blocks, at least for the first three courses. This is quite convincing. Indeed, a few latrines that are still standing and in good condition had been built using concrete blocks for the whole thing.

Additionally, Aframano has grown from 61 households in 2018 to about 90 households in 2024. This means that 29 households don’t have a latrine.

We will fund the construction of 86 latrines in Aframano, at a cost of about £100 per latrine.