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We had some money left over after installing the mechanised borehole in Aframano in 2019, so we discussed again with the village leaders what the next priorities were. Two things came up. First, the school needed its own borehole for drinking water and hygiene. The other one was the need for a covered marketplace in the centre of the village. We worked with Ashanti Development to complete these projects.

Constructing the school borehole (July 2020)

On the appointed day, the contractors arrived at about 7pm, and it was already almost dark. It was after midnight by the time they had finished drilling and inserting the blue lining pipe. There’s a dramatic video showing the water gushing out.

A temporary installation was made for a few weeks. These photos were take in September 2020. As soon as the borehole was created, there’s constant hive of activity around it. It’s amazing what a life-changing experience it is to have running water.

Finally, a concrete platform was built, and a pump installed, in December 2020. I’m happy that this borehole is not mechanised. It costs very little to run (the villagers have a small fund for maintenance) and it ensures free water for everyone.

Covered Marketplace (September 2020)

During my first visit to Aframano in 2017, people had said that they needed a covered marketplace, so it was great that we had enough money to build one. It protects from both rain and sun. I hope my next visit coincides with market day, so I can see it in full use. When not used for market, it’s good for meetings and other events.